8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 PRAW2TGA by STRUCTURe of The Immaculate Hood 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 Exclusive Distribution BamBam on the Net www.universal.nl/users/magic/sonypsx.htm 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 Special Thanks to Hido-Genshi 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 THIS PROGRAM IS FREEWARE!! PASS IT ON! Requests and bug reports to: struct@netcom.com @@@Join the inFREEmation Network@@@ -- BASIC INFORMATION -- PRAW2TGA converts PSX raw image files to Targa format. Currently, only 16 and 24 bit files are supported, but this should cover about 75% of what's out there (along with TIM2TGA and TIM2BMP). Syntax: PRAW2TGA {-owhd} infile outfile infile = name of raw, uncompressed file outfile = name of output targa file options (all are optional and formatted like -o=#####) -o Sets the offset within the raw file for the image start. (example -o=1024) -w Sets the image width. (example -w=320 makes the image 320 pixels wide) -h Sets the image height. (example -h=480 makes the image 480 pixels tall) -d Sets the bit-depth. (example -d=16 signifies a 16 bit image) If not specified, each of the options will try to be auto- detected, except for offset which defaults to '0'. This is not always sucessful but works a good percentage of the time. The more values that you give it to start with the more accurate the automatic values will be. See trouble-shooting for more info. The options and file names can occur in any order, but the 'infile' name must appear before the 'outfile' name. -- OTHER TOOLS YOU SHOULD HAVE TO USE THIS PROGRAM -- If I can I will try to include any other programs that you need to use this program. I may not be able to so here's what I use: Sector Editor/Hex Viewer - On the Amiga I use FileX. It's the BEST hex editor I've ever seen. I'll try to include it with the archive. On the PC I know that Norton Utilities has a good editor. I will try to include a program called 'list' that is a hex viewer. You probably already have one anyway ;) Base Converter - Something to convert hex addresses given by FileX (hex editor) to decimal numbers (base 10) (i.e. 0xFF = 255). If your hex viewer gives offsets in decimal then you don't need this. If you can do the conversions in your head I will worship you ;) On the Amiga I use a program called 'Calc' which is a multi-base calculator. Image Editor/Cropper - Something like ImageFX, ADPro, Photoshop, Painter, etc... -- TUTORIAL (sort of) -- :Finding RAW graphcs data on PSX discs: Look for files that have extensions like PIX, DAT, RAW, IMG, PIC, etc... Anything that looks like 'Image' or 'Picture' as an extension. Another good way is looking at the file-size. See the 'TABLE.TXT' file. Look for large '.EXE' files. Many times at the end of the file there will be a title screen. :Identifying Graphics Data: Drop the program into your hex viewer and take a look at it. Look for typical graphics data. If you are unfamilliar with what typical image files look like in a hex editor, load up a 16-bit and a 24-bit targa file and take a look at the patterns. You should see a brief bit of garbage at the top of the targa file (this is the header) followed by 2 or 3 byte patterns. If you are looking at an 'EXE' file start at the end and look backwards. The mass amounts of '00' at the start are part of the header. :Identifying Option Info: You can try to let PRAW2TGA figure out for its self the depth and width and height, but you must give it the offset if there is one. If you can give it the depth it will also have a much easier time. The Auto-detect AI routines work about 75% of the time on 'typical' situation raw image files. At a minimum they should give you a bise to start working from. Look for the first offset where the patterns start. This may be right at the top of the file (which means the offset would be '0') or it may be in some amount. Try to pick a place that looks right and use this as your starting place. You can always fine-tune it later. To figure out what bit depth the image is look to see if the patterns are two bytes or three bytes long. If they are two then it is 16-bit. If they are three it is 24-bit. PRAW2TGA can usually figure this out on its own under typical conditions, but I found some tricky ones that it missed (esp. on Loaded). It's safe to say that 99% of the time it will be 16-bit and not 24-bit. If you are unsure and PRAW2TGA gives you an error auto-detecting depth start with -d=16. :RUN PRAW2TGA: Run the progam and see what you get. You will find that you use settings like 'PRAW2TGA -o=0 -w=320 -h=240 -d=16 title.pix title.tga' frequently. :TROUBLE-SHOOTING AND FINE-TUNING RESULTS: P: Edges of image are in the middle and the middle is on the edge: 000000000000000000 XX0000000000000000 XXX00000000000000X XXXX000000000000XX XXX00000000000000X XX0000000000000000 000000000000000000 (Your example may not be as extreme) S: Adjust the offset (-o=) option. P: Image is offset to the right or left: S: Same as above P: Image is Skewed: 000000000000000000 000XXXXXXX00000000 0000XXXXXXX0000000 00000XXXXXXX000000 000000XXXXXXX00000 0000000XXXXXXX0000 000000000000000000 S: Adjust the width (-w=) option. P: Top of image is cut off. S2: There is another file that contains the second half of the image. P: The Bottom of the file is cut off. S1: Adjust the offset* S2: Adjust the height* S3: There is another file that contains the first half of the image. *PSX images are stored so that the last line of the file is the first line on the screen. If the bottom is cut off either make the offset smaller of the height larger. It's always better to get a little extra garbage and crop the image. P: Image is there but colors are bonkers and there is/isn't a slight skew. S: Increase the offset by a small amount. You may be starting in PRAW2TGA in the middle of a pixel. P: I can see something but it's all messed up. S: Play with the Width. Try using VERY small pixel values like 32 or 16. I've found some images that are long strips of icons. (Resident Evil) P: There's garbage at the top of the screen. S: Decrease the Height (-h=) value. P: There's garbage at the bottom of the screen. S: Increase the offset (-o=) value. !!!HINT HINT HINT!!!! There's a REALLY nice picture of Jill on the Resident Evil Disc... :) :SPECIAL NOTE: If you have any suggestions for utils, please e-mail them to me. If any1 finds a 24-bit image file PLEASE send it to me. I am pretty sure that the colors on a 24 bit file will not translate correctly, but the code's there and I just need an example to test to make sure it works right :) struct@netcom.com REMEMBER: Shop smart. Shop S-Mart.